“Working hard for something you don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something you love is called passion.”
– Simon Sinek
I’m sure all of us have worked jobs we weren’t passionate about. You know, those jobs that paid the bills, but didn’t bring us happiness. Some of us may still be working those kind of jobs.
Mine was working at a retail store in their appliance department. The store mostly sold electronics, appliances, and home goods. I remember going through a short employee orientation and getting my name tag and uniform top.
I felt uncomfortable from the start. I was supposed to help customers find the best vacuum for their homes. I had used plenty of vacuum cleaners, but didn’t know the features of all of the ones we sold. How could I recommend the right vacuum when I didn’t know the capabilities each had? And, this was well before the internet so I couldn’t just look them up and study them.
But the thing I hated the most was the “up sale.” Once customers decided on the right vacuum, with not much help from me, I took them to the register to ring them up. Then, I was supposed to “convince” them that they could save money on their purchase by applying for the store’s credit card. I was told that my quota was 3 credit card applications a week! What?!
How was I supposed to sell people on a store card when I, myself, wouldn’t have one? How was I supposed to relay the benefits of this initial low-interest store card, when the interest would spike if not paid off in 6 months?
I just couldn’t do it. Because I didn’t believe in it.
And, most importantly, I realized I did not have a salesperson’s mentality, demeanor, or skill! I felt like I was imposing on the customers and not really helping them. And, in my heart I didn’t feel right about possibly putting these hard-working people in debt.
I lasted 2 weeks and never met my quota!
Now, nearly 30 years later, I’m an Education Administrator for the U.S. Air Force and a blogger! Both jobs that I absolutely love! Are there aspects of each I don’t enjoy? Of course there are! Is it bliss 24/7? Nope! But I am passionate about both because I know that I’m helping others. And that’s what brings me joy.
Now, I’m not knocking on salespersons at all! In fact, my wife is amazing at this! I just know that I am not. And, I’m totally fine with that.
Sometimes it takes trying lots of things to find the one or two things you love. And that’s okay. For some, they may never find their passion or are never in a place to do that kind of work.
And, if that’s you, I encourage you to think about what you love. Focus on that daily and even pray about it. And, I bet you that opportunities will begin to show themselves to you!
The job I have today was not the job I originally had in the Air Force. But, that original job allowed me to get my Master’s Degree and opened the door to the job I have now.
I tried to “make money online” like so many others through affiliate marketing. But, I failed at multiple opportunities. Again, not a salesperson.
But, I love to teach and write and i use my writing to help inspire others. Blogging has become my platform for this. Am I making money by blogging? No, not yet. Mostly because my focus has been to share inspirational and motivational content and not bombard my readers with advertisements.
Does that mean that others who advertise are in the wrong? Absolutely not! It just means that we are all different.
I truly believe that providing good, quality content could open the door to some money making opportunities. Just not now. And I am completely okay with hat.
I love writing. I love sharing. I love helping others.
These are my passions and I plan on continuing this work until I no longer can.
So, what are you passionate about?