“The right doors won’t open for you until you are the version of yourself that is supposed to walk through them.”
Have you ever hoped and wished for something that you didn’t get? Or you didn’t get it in the time frame you were hoping?
It could be a job opportunity, having or adopting a baby, getting married or being in a serious relationship, traveling the world, or finally writing your book?
Were you disappointed when that one thing didn’t occur in the timeframe you had hoped for?
I remember hearing someone remark, “I don’t want to have to wait until I’m in my 50’s before I get my dream car! I deserve it now.” He may have wanted it in his 20’s, but the reality was that he couldn’t afford it.
Does this mean we have to always wait for the things we want, desire, look forward to? No, not at all. If we are where we need to be, doing what we need to do, then the right doors will open for us. But, if we are not the version of us we need to be for that door to open, then it won’t.
My father had been an active-duty marine for over 21 years. He retired shortly before my brother and I started elementary school. I knew from a very early age that I wasnted to be in the military, too! I loved the physical fitness aspect, attention to detail, and rank structure.
I joined the Army JROTCC program as a freshman in high school and moved up the ranks to Battalion XO by the time I became a senior. I looked into going to the Coast Guard Academy because I was interested in oceanography. I had a Marine Corps recruiter come to my house and talk to me and my family about joining after high school. I was accepted into several college ROTC programs and was even promised a high ranking position at one.
But, none panned out. Of course I could have done any number of them, but I. knew in my heart, they weren’t the right path for me. So, I went to college and didn’t participate in any ROTC programs, even though my university had an Air Force one. My life took a different turn altogether and I ended up getting married to someone I had worked with in my summers after college.
That marriage didn’t last long and ended in divorce. I wanted to get away and start fresh. So, I moved – out of state to a city I had never visited. I knew a total of 3 people. My boss, my coworker, and my coworker’s husband. My coworker’s husband introduced me to the Air National Guard.
Six months after I moved into my new community, I enlisted. This year I retire after nearly 22 years of service! It has been one of the most rewarding opportunities of my life!
And, all of those times I tried to join the military and it didn’t work out of me, was because I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t at a point in my life where I could really join or serve. But, when I move and started life on my own again, I was ready to walk through that open door. And, I haven’t looked back since.
So, what door do you want to open?
Are you ready to walk through it?
Or do you still need a little more time?
Once that door opens, be ready. It may very well take you by surprise and lead you on an amazing ride!